Admissions British Pharmacopoeia 2010

Admissions BP2010:The British Pharmacopoeia 2010 supersedes the British Pharmacopoeia 2009. It has been prepared by the British Pharmacopoeia Commission, with the collaboration and support of its Expert Advisory Groups and Panels of Experts, and contains approximately 3300 monographs for substances, preparations and articles used in the practice of medicine. Some of these monographs are of national origin while others have been reproduced from the 6th edition of the European Pharmacopoeia. This edition, together with its companion edition, the British Pharmacopoeia (Veterinary) 2010, incorporates all the monographs of the 6th edition of the European Pharmacopoeia as amended by Supplements 6.1 to 6.5. The user of the British Pharmacopoeia thereby benefits by finding within this one, comprehensively indexed, compendium all current United Kingdom pharmacopoeial standards for medicines for human use. The new edition comprises five volumes as follows.


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